Cookies Policy

Cookies are small text files that the website downloads in the devices in use, be them computers or mobile devices, and saves in the directories used by the user’s web browser. There are various types of cookies; some to optimize the use of the site, others to enable certain functions.

The cookies we use

Pisamover S.p.A. uses cookies on this site to simplify and optimize its services to the benefit of the end user.

The site uses “technical” cookies, such as navigation or session cookies, i.e. tools aimed at making functional and more effective the navigation and utilization of the site.

We also use analytical cookies that collect data, in an aggregate form, about the number of visitors and how they use the site.

The site uses the Google Analytics service, whose cookie policy can be found at Google support
In order to respect the privacy of our users, the service is used in “_anonymizeip” mode, which allows hiding the IP addresses of the site visitors.

We do not use profiling cookies.

Enabling/disabling cookies

The User may decide to enable or disable cookies through the settings of his/her navigation browser, following the instructions provided by the relevant providers at the following links:

Cookie settings in Internet Explorer
Cookie settings in Firefox
Cookie settings in Chrome
Cookie settings in Safari and

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